Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Japanese English Language Differences & Pronunciation Problems

Don't make me say "I love you."
There are so many things to learn when studying a foreign language.

Although I have lived in Osaka, Japan and worked as an English tutor here for more than 5 years, I have not seriously tried to study the language for about the last 2 years.

I could give you some pretty reasonable excuses for why I haven't been serious about making time for studying the Japanese language, such as English being our primary language at home, becoming a father and spending as much time with our child as possible, and the fact that most of my time spent outside our home is used in helping Japanese students work on their English language skills (something I myself often need refreshing on after living in a non-English speaking country for so long).


That's not to say it's impossible to learn it, if one regularly devotes their time and efforts to it, and I admire those who have. I can get around and am pretty good at comprehension. My ability to manage speaking fluently in Japanese however... not so good. Also, Osaka has it's own dialect and it's own colorful vocabulary and manners of speaking. Quite distinct from the Japanese spoken in Tokyo or Kyushu or Tohoku etc...

So, there are three alphabets in Japanese to start with, not including Romaji (Roman characters which you are reading right now; yes, those are used too), and one of those "alphabets" is actually an ocean of beautifully complex ideograms called "Kanji," or Chinese characters, of which there are thousands.

Hiragana: ひらがな

Katakana: カタカナ

Kanji: 漢字

Here is a small example of the complexity of kanji:

Osaka = 大阪 The prefecture in which I live. The first kanji in Osaka (It kind of looks like a little man with arms and legs spread out) is pronounced "O" here (though it can sometimes be pronounced "Dai", depending on the character next to it. The second character is pronounced "SAKA" here (though it can sometimes be pronounced "HAN," again, depending on the kanji character it falls next to). So, we have OSAKA, the name of a large metropolis in Japan (NOT pronounced "Daihan" or "Daisaka", nor "Ohan"!).

Hankyu = 阪急 The name of a big company in the Osaka region that operates train lines and department stores.

Notice that the kanji character for "SAKA" in OSAKA is now pronounced "HAN" when used as the first character in "HANKYU", because of the placement of the character to the next one.

Are you still following me?

阪急の "Han" = 大阪の "Saka" ???

So, may I please be forgiven if I look at a book written in kanji and say "Yeah, never reading THAT!"? The crazy part is that all three alphabets are used simultaneously in Japanese books, literature, media, signs, newspapers etc...

Here is an example taken from a Japanese news site about an orchestra playing Star Wars music:

"公開された動画で、ライトセーバーをノリノリで振るトヴェイ氏。その色がシスの暗黒卿が用いるとされる「赤色」だったのが少々、気になるところだが、最新作『STAR WARS:THE FORCE AWAKENS(原題)』の特報映像が11月29日、初公開されるなど、ファンにとってはうれしいニュースに名演奏が華を添えてくれている。"

You notice the blend of 4 alphabets used simultaneously?

Hiragana is not so bad. I promise to attempt baby steps in my Japanese skills by reading children's picture books using hiragana.

I have major issues with Katakana however.

That is mainly because it is used for writing foreign names and words that have been adapted into the Japanese language. But the kana phonics end up mispronouncing these words so that foreigners cannot recognize them; e.g., McDonald's becomes "Macdonarudo". Global becomes "guroburu".  Market becomes "maketto". Catharsis becomes "katarushisu".


However, the language difficulties also apply for Japanese English students.

English is so simple with our 26 Roman letters (52 counting uppercase and lowercase), yet so complex with our methods of pronunciation and our intricately ruled grammar that leaves plenty of exceptions to the grammar rules!

Look at the ways we pronounce "low" and "how",
"daughter" and "laughter",
"tomb", "bomb" and "comb," as just a few examples.

But perhaps the biggest stumbling point for Japanese English students is the pronunciation. Native English speakers take for granted the acrobatics with which their tongues are perpetually engaged in. Especially our fluidity with the "R" and "L" sounds. In Japanese these two sounds are kind of made into one sound; whereas English distinctly divides their pronunciation.


region     legion
ram     lamb
ramp     lamp
grass     glass
arrive     alive
rip     lip
frame     flame
regal     legal
raw     law     low
crown     clown

and try this phrase:
"I really like rice."

and this:
"The green grass grows."

If your tongue and jaws hurt then you are practicing correctly!
Because you are using mouth muscles not used when speaking Japanese!

And then there is the B vs. V problem. Japanese language does not have a "V" sound and so it compensates by using "B" instead. Vampire becomes "Bam-pie-ya", and "I love you" can transform into "I rub you."

Let's distinguish our pronunciation between:

variable     valuable     volley ball
available   &  valuable

Counting the syllables will also greatly improve your pronunciation!!!

variable x4
valuable x4 
volley ball x3
available x4

NOTE: Some people pronounce valuable with 3 syllables. (Sorry! Always exceptions to every rule!).

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Next week is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A.

Thanksgiving is a National holiday celebrated by most Americans as a way of showing gratitude and thankfulness for what we have. 

gratitude : express [show] gratitude

thankful : 感謝して   (full of thanks = thank-full)

grateful thanks : 心からの感謝

Usually it is celebrated by families gathering for a delicious meal that usually consists of turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberries, pumpkin pie and other traditional foods.

The origins of the holiday has it's roots in traditional harvest festivals that had been celebrated in Europe for hundreds of years. It was a way for families and communities to give thanks to God for a good harvest. A day to remember to give thanks, especially for plenty of food.

Other common ways we express such a feeling in everyday English:  

count one's blessings



Count your blessings

(! 愚痴をこぼす人に言う).

I am thankful for my family, my wife and my son, and for good health. 

What are you grateful or thankful for?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

'Be not Defeated by the Rain'

While watching t.v. with our 14 month old son here in Osaka, Japan; I was introduced to a remarkable piece of popular poetry. We often watch 'Nihongo de asobo' (にほんごであそぼ) , a lovely children's program, the title of which translates as 'Let's play with Japanese language'.

Today's program featured a group of children reciting a famous poem which is very popular  here in Japan.

'Ame ni mo makezu' or, 'Be not Defeated by the Rain' or, 'Not losing to the Rain' is a famous poem written by Kenji Miyazawa, a poet from the northern prefecture of Iwate in Japan who lived from 1896 to 1933. The poem was found posthumously in a small black notebook in one of the poet's trunks.

Here is some of the true "Wisdom of the East" many hunger for.
It is so simple and so common that we often overlook it.

Also, when we are surrounded by avaricious greed and materialism in all our politics and big business corporations - our so-called leaders leading us in the wrong direction - where all are working for selfish ends, directed by ignorance.

I would like to share this here and hope that reading this, especially at this special holiday season, will remind us all that what is important, what is most essential, is often invisible to the eye. Contentment in the simplicity of things is traditionally a Japanese virtue. The spirit of this poem is also seen in how civilly the Japanese reacted after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami of 2011.

"Greed is the undoing and ruin of (Dharma) Truth and righteousness."
                                                                                                       - The Mahabharata

ame ni mo makezu
“Not losing to the Rain”

miyazawa kenji
by Miyazawa Kenji
ame ni mo makezu
not losing to the rain

kaze ni mo makezu
not losing to the wind

yuki ni mo natsu no atsusa ni mo makenu
not losing to the snow nor to summer's heat

joubu na karada wo mochi
with a strong body

yoku wa naku
unfettered by desire

kesshite ikarazu
never losing temper

itsu mo shizuka ni waratte iru
cultivating a quiet joy

ichi nichi ni genmai yon gou to
every day four bowls of brown rice

miso to sukoshi no yasai wo tabe
miso and some vegetables to eat

arayuru koto wo
in everything

jibun wo kanjou ni irezu ni
count yourself last and put others before you

yoku mikiki shi wakari
watching and listening, and understanding

soshite wasurezu
and never forgetting

nohara no matsu no hayashi no kage no
in the shade of the woods of the pines of the fields

chiisa na kayabuki no koya ni ite
being in a little thatched hut

higashi ni byouki no kodomo areba
if there is a sick child to the east

itte kanbyou shite yari
going and nursing over them

nishi ni tsukareta haha areba
if there is a tired mother to the west

itte sono ine no taba wo oi
going and shouldering her sheaf of rice

minami ni shinisō na hito areba
if there is someone near death to the south

itte kowagaranakute mo ii to ii
going and saying there's no need to be afraid

kita ni kenka ya soshou ga areba
if there is a quarrel or a suit to the north

tsumaranai kara yamero to ii
telling them to leave off with such waste

hideri no toki wa namida wo nagashi
when there's drought, shedding tears of sympathy

samusa no natsu wa oro-oro aruki
when the summer's cold, wandering upset

minna ni deku-no-bō to yobare
called worthless by everyone

homerare mo sezu
without being praised

ku ni mo sarezu
without being blamed

sou iu mono ni
such a person

watashi wa naritai
I want to become


Saturday, September 14, 2013

When I say 'PSYCHO' / "SAIKO"... I mean something else...

Poster for the 1960 film that changed cinematic horror forever.
When most people hear the word 'psycho' we immediately picture a shower curtain hissing as it's ripped back to reveal a stark menacing silhouette to the piercing shriek of violins and a helpless woman screaming !

We're never more vulnerable than when we're naked.


This is due to the influence in pop culture of the art and craft of the great movie director Alfred Hitchcock who understood how to keep us in suspense and terrify us. The visuals and music from this less than 1 minute segment of cinema history has influenced and inspired many, many parodies and imitations for decades.

Because of this one very popular movie, we now have the word "psycho" as a commonly used word in the English language. It means a crazy person. A mentally deranged person who is seriously dangerous.
The proper English word for this condition is "insane".

"Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Alfred Hitchcock."

IN JAPAN HOWEVER when people say "saiko" 最高 , which sounds exactly the same as our English 'psycho', people mean "the best", "highest", or "supreme"!!!

I've heard it used several times while living in Japan. People say it when declaring something to be really great or "Awesome!"... but, I can't help thinking of Norman Bates,  his "Mother", and the spooky, old, dark house on the hill overlooking the desolate Bates Motel.... and smiling to myself.

He wouldn't even harm a fly. But what about his Mother?

"VACANCY".... always room for one more.

Check-in. Relax. Take a shower.
The English term "psycho" is taken directly from the word:
 "psychopath" 精神病質者
 or "psychotic" 精神病 患者 - seishinbyo kanja
These Japanese words are technical medical jargon.

"Psycho" also relates (directly or indirectly) to words like:

psychology 心理学 - shinrigaku (mind-science)
psychiatrist 精神科医 - seishinkai
psychiatry 精神医学 - seishin igaku

Which all come from the root-word "psyche" - 精神 - seishin
Psyche is the totality of the human mind, conscious, and unconscious.
Psychology is the scientific or objective study of the psyche.

The word "Psyche" means the mind but is also actually a name.
Psyche is a female character from Greek and Roman mythology 神話学.
Psyche (the Mind, or human Soul 魂 - tamashi) fell in love with Cupid (Love).


Cupid & Psyche: In love with Love.

Alfred Hitchcock created a masterpiece of suspense cinema with 'Psycho', but he didn't write it.
The book Psycho by Robert Bloch was published in 1959. Old Hitch was "on that like white on rice!"

This directly inspired the novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1991 and made into a graphically violent horror film starring Christian Bale in 2000.

Christian Bale: American Psycho

NOTE: I'm told the Japanese words for "insane" {Not the technical terms mentioned above; check your Japanese dictionary} are considered very highly offensive in Japan! They are not even used on radio or T.V. in the same way network T.V. in the U.S. doesn't use the "F" or "S" words; but they are more akin in offensiveness to the "N" word when used as curse words in Japan. Yes, that offensive! Just don't use them. I note it here only because foreigners using a dictionary may not be aware of this sensitivity in Japan. In America we often say things like "You're so crazy!" or "That's insane!" to friends in a humorous way; NOT so in Japan.

So, it is better just to say "PSYCHO!" / "SAIKO!" just to be safely polite... or, politely safe!


Trend プロテクト

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Malcolm McDowell in 'A Clockwork Orange'

Have you ever seen a cult movie?

Which is your favorite?

What kinds of movies do you like?

It can be a little difficult to explain just exactly what a cult movie is. And there are a couple different opinions. Cult films can be almost of any genre ( 部類 burui): Horror, Action, Drama, Comedy, Sci-Fi etc.) ...
One of the best horror films, 'The Shining' is often quoted and imitated and "spoofed" by other shows and movies; but does that make it a Cult Film?

but some Cult Films often fall outside, or between, these genre themes as well. And if a Cult Horror movie is not really terrifying there is certainly plenty of strangeness.

'Naked Lunch', is not exactly what you may think it means
A VERY Strange movie...

According to Wikipedia a cult film is

a film that has acquired a cult following. 
(Fans of a certain movie are seen as a group, like a cult).

Cult films are known for their dedicated fanbase (devoted "Hardcore" fans),
an elaborate subculture that engage in repeated viewings (watch the movie many times, as a group or alone),
quoting dialogue = 台詞を真似する, and audience participation=観客が役者の身なりや動作、台詞などを真似する. 

In the past these movies were not big Hollywood productions. They were smaller budget (low cost, with new or untrained actors), obscure 無名の映画 or difficult to see films often with transgressive  度が超えた映画  themes.

Like Divine in 'Pink Flamingos'...
'Pink Flamingos' 1972
Divine struggles to become "The Filthiest Person Alive"

Or some films that were not popular when they first premiered but gained a huge cult following with late night midnight movie shows... like 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'...
'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'.  The Queen Mother of Cult Movies
features cross dressing space aliens.
Rocky Horror has the longest-running theatrical release in film history. It gained notoriety as a midnight movie in 1977 when audiences began participating with the film in theaters. 
Audience participating at a midnight showing of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'

Hardcore fans at a midnight showing of 'Rocky Horror'. Many dress like characters from the film.

Rocky Horror is the first film from a major Hollywood studio to be in the midnight movie market. The motion picture musical has a large international cult following and is one of the most well-known and financially successful midnight movies of all time. Even almost 40 years later it is still shown in theaters worldwide as a midnight movie! 

Audiences are encouraged to participate in the 'Rocky' experience by dressing up as characters, yelling dialogue at the characters on the screen, dancing, singing and even using props like newspapers, noisemakers, rice or tissue paper (at appropriate times during the movie).

I first saw 'Rocky Horror' in 1989 in Madison, Wisconsin. A year or so later I joined the 'Rocky' cult in Daytona Beach and Orlando Florida. 'Rocky Horror' is a guaranteed weekend party. It is really remarkable how the mutual love of a single film can bring people together and form friendships that can last a lifetime. 

Japan has some of it's own Cult films of Horror, New Wave, and Crime - Drama. Akira Kurosawa's films are known all over the world and are known in the West as "Samurai Cinema". So, there is a Kurosawa Film Cult, a Japanese Horror Film Cult, Japanese Big Monster Film Cult etc.
Some examples of Japanese Cult Movies (of the Horror genre) would be 

Godzilla (1954)

Onibaba (1964)

Jigoku ("HELL") (1960)

House ("Hausu") (1977)

Kwaidan (1964) THIS ONE IS A MUST SEE!! Very ghostly traditional Japanese atmosphere

At the risk of dating myself... here is a list of some of my favorite Cult Films, (of course I really enjoy Horror films), in no particular order.

#1. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
"Don't Dream It.... Be It"

Horror - Sci-Fi - Rock-n-Roll Musical - Comedy.

#2. Suspiria (1977)
Italian Horror with marvelous color, music, sound and atmosphere. Spectacular murder scenes.

#3. Harold and Maude (1971)
Black Comedy - Drama - Romance (?) and 70's touchstone. Great music by Cat Stevens.

#4. Any Horror Film starring Vincent Price (usually based on an Edgar Allan Poe story)
Masque of the Red Death (1964)

The Raven (1963) with Boris Karloff (Frankenstein, The Mummy), Peter Lorre and a very young Jack Nicholson

The Abominable Doctor Phibes (1971)

Cult Horror - Overacting, overkilling, overdressing (in a really great way!) etc... etc... etc...

#5. The Boondock Saints (1999)
Action - Black Comedy - Crime Drama.

#6. Female Trouble (1974)

A new high in low taste... Cult Comedy based on the idea that "Crime = Beauty".

#7. The Company of Wolves (1984)

Dark Fantasy - Horror - Subtle erotic symbolism played on the Little Red Riding Hood theme.

#8. The Hunger (1983)

Stylish Horror starring Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie and Susan Sarandon. A vampire film that never mentions the word "vampire".

#9. Flash Gordon (1980)

Sci-Fi - Fantasy - Action - Adventure with a rocking soundtrack by QUEEN !

#10. FREAKS (1932)

Human Drama - Horror. A deeply moving and disturbing film that features real people with various deformities as circus sideshow performers. The film was banned for years and received limited showings. It is now a classic of Cinema. The ending where the "freaks" get their revenge on the malicious couple is one of the most disturbing scenes in cinema. Here is a trailer:

I must also give honorable mention to ...
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Horror - Suspense - Mystery -Thriller that smells of brimstone.

Technically Rosemary's Baby is not a "Cult Film" because it is a very widely known and popular major studio release with an all star cast and crew. But that doesn't stop me from being a devoted fan of the movie. I sometimes imagine acting it out 'Rocky Horror' style in a theater; I even imagine casting people I meet in daily life in various roles LOL.

Of course there are many other films I haven't mentioned (Island of Lost Souls, Carnival of Souls, Daughters of Darkness, any film directed by David Cronenberg or David Lynch etc...just to name a few) but I hope this gives a small introduction to Cult Movies to my Japanese friends. Watching foreign language films are an excellent supplement to foreign language study. It improves listening ability and pronunciation with repeated viewings.

You can check out other Cult Films by copying and pasting these links here into your browser:

